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Middle School

In middle school we begin to address the children’s needs in relation to future readiness, in addition to the needs manifested in primary school. Students also need to be exposed to career orientation programmes and opportunities and to receive support in preparing for their future.

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in 2024

Revamped learning

Considering all the needs and the age-specific challenges of pre-adolescence, we have realised that we need to revamp the way teaching and learning happen in middle school.

In order to address these challenges, we have decided:

  • to have a weekly focus on a reduced number of subjects, which leads to better engagement, better motivation for learning and the development of sustainable learning skills (students learn how to learn)
  • to facilitate micro-learning, to allow for shorter periods of learning and more in depth knowledge and understanding of subjects, which is much more effective at this age
  • to introduce the Project-Based Learning (PBL) method, which challenges students to learn by solving real life problems
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How will this be achieved

In our middle school program, students will have a set of Core Subjects that they'll study every week, along with Discovery Subjects that will help them transition to high school. The Discovery Subjects are scheduled differently: one Science subject each term, one Humanities subject each half-year, and one Arts subject each half-year.

For students, this simplified timetable means they'll have fewer subjects to juggle each week, allowing them to concentrate better and achieve better grades. This, in turn, will make them more prepared for high school.

For parents, having fewer subjects to keep track of means less homework to oversee. They'll also see their child making faster progress academically, which will give them confidence that their child is ready for high school. Additionally, unnecessary downtime will be reduced, maximizing productive learning time.

Middle School Year Groups

The Romanian Line

follows the Romanian curriculum, enriched with intensive English lessons and all the additional programmes detailed above.

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7

The British International Line

follows the National Curriculum of England and Wales; students also benefit from 5 lessons of Romanian/week and all the additional programmes detailed above.

  • Year 7
  • Year 8
New from 2024: Grade 8 and Year 9 integrated into High School